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Counseling Day 2024

IAC Conference 2015Si terrà a Verona dal 3 al 6 settembre 2015 il congresso annuale della International Association for Counselling (IAC) che avrà come titolo: "The Counselling Profession: Building Bridges toward Wellbeing". Tutte le informazioni sono reperibili sul sito: http://www.iac2015italia.it. La partecipazione all'evento da parte degli iscritti ad AssoCounseling è valida ai fini dell'aggiornamento permanente. All'evento sono stati attribuiti 16 crediti formativi.

Tutti coloro che sono interessati a proporre un intervento possono farlo entro il 15 gennaio 2015 a questo link.

Di seguito riportiamo la presentazione del congresso (in inglese).

The aim of this conference is connecting counsellors and related mental health and educational professionals from throughout the world. These connections will provide an opportunity for the IAC to provide ongoing support and encouragement to the counselling profession as it develops in Italy and other countries where it is in a nascent stage. Additionally, the conference will address the two priorities identified by the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Africa and gender equality. These priorities will provide a conference forum for examining how counselling, as both a process and a profession can promote human wellbeing on a global basis. As such, the first sub-theme of the conference is how counselling can address the challenges of migration as it relates to undocumented immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. A primary focus will be the impact of Sub-Saharan migration on Italy and other countries in the Mediterranean and how counselling can address this complex issue. A major goal of the conference will be exploring more effective counselling services and setting a foundation for effective research that will promote the wellbeing of immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa to Italy and surrounding countries.

The second conference sub-theme will focus on how counselling can promote gender equality on a global basis. A primary emphasis of this sub-theme will be the value-added of counselling in promoting the social wellbeing of girls and women across countries and cultural contexts. Again, more effective counselling services and a foundation for proactive research that will benefit girls and women worldwide will be explored.

titolo: IAC Conference 2015
tipologia: Conference
quando: 03/09/2015
dove: Verona
organizzatore: International Association for Counselling (IAC)
prenotazioni: http://www.iac2015italia.it

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